
Turkey election; Established church; St Francis of Assisi



Voters in Turkey go to the polls today in the country’s presidential election. The two main candidates, the incumbent President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his challenger, Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, have set out their visions for the nation's future. We explore the religious differences between the candidates and consider how the outcome of the election could affect life and faith in Turkey and the country's significant international role.The Coronation of King Charles III was a spectacular display of Britishness but also a profoundly religious event. While a number of faiths played a small role, it was overwhelmingly an Anglican ceremony and a powerful statement of the Church of England's central place within the state. But as ever smaller numbers of people go to Anglican services, and the nation's religious life becomes more diverse, does it still have a legitimate right to remain as England's established church? We hear the arguments on both sides.St Francis of Assisi is the Pope's favourite saint. It's why he to