
Attacks on refugees; Orthodoxy in Ukraine; school singing project



The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, has been rejected as the ceremonial head of the Anglican communion by a group of conservative primates, over plans to offer blessings to same-sex couples. Archbishops representing 10 of the 42 provinces in the Anglican Communion, part of a group called the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches, have signed a statement supporting the move. It's also been supported by the Church of England Evangelical Council. We hear what impact this may have, from religious affairs reporter Harry Farley.What is prompting former Christians to turn their back on the church and convert to traditional African faiths such as ifa? BBC journalist Peter Macjob – himself an ex-Roman Catholic – tells us about his journey.Thousands of school children from all backgrounds will soon have access to the expertise of cathedral choir leaders, thanks to the national Schools Singing Programme. The Programme, which is funded by the Hamish Ogston Foundation, was set up two years ago, working with