
Elvis's Faith; Black British Muslims; Cathedral Music



Elvis Presley was many things to many people, but few see him as a religious figure. He recorded several songs with religious themes, including Amazing Grace and How Great Thou Art, but rarely spoke publicly about his beliefs. Now, his step-brother, Billy Stanley has co-written a book, The Faith of Elvis, telling the story of the singer's interest in religion and in particular his love of the Bible. He shares his personal memories of Elvis, and how his songs were often inspired by his Christian faith.About 10% of British Muslims are black and some have experienced racism from other Muslims. The Muslim Council of Britain has acknowledged that as a "minority within a minority" they have often been marginalised, even within Muslim communities. They have just published a report examining what life is like for black British Muslims. It brings together around 40 essays from Black, African and Afro-Caribbean Muslims in the UK. We ask what needs to change to allow black Muslims to be more widely embraced and their c