
Every Day Sounds That Make Us Happy; Dissappeared Christian and Black Church Domestic Abuse.



What every day sounds make you happy; the sound of a coffee pot percolating, a cat purring or Church bells ringing? Musician Tommy Perman asked that question and has produced an album using everyday sounds. William Crawley talks to Tommy about why and how he made the album happen?On 13 February 2017, Malaysian Christian worker Raymond Koh was abducted. His family has been lobbying for his release or news of his fate ever since. They say they've received minimal cooperation from the Police or government. The family believe he was abducted for his faith and the Christian work he and his wife did among the destitute and people with HIV. He is not the only “disappeared” Christian in Malaysia in recent years. This will be the first time his wife Susanna has spoken to Western media about her and the family’s ordeal.A resource - thought to be the first of its kind - to help black majority churches response effectively to the issue of domestic abuse has been developed after it became apparent that women felt the chu