
Britain's Pilgrim Places; Church of England Safeguarding Concerns; Gong Baths



Pilgrimage, the journeying on foot to holy places, which was once banned by Henry VIII has undergone a revival in Britain in recent years. Nick Mayhew-Smith, co-author of a new book which illustrates 500 historic routes and sites with practical instructions on how to find them, explains the appeal of this ancient tradition.The Church of England’s governing body, the Archbishops’ Council has been reported to the head of the Charity Commission for its failure, ‘to devise a safe, consistent and fair system of redress for victims of abuse.’ The letter of complaint signed by survivors, senior lawyers and members of the General Synod is critical of the church’s handling of abuse allegations and calls for the entire safeguarding process to be reformed. Donna Birrell reports on the letter and hears from two of the signatories. The church’s lead bishop for safeguarding, Dr Jonathan Gibbs responds to the complaints and outlines what he is doing to change the church’s approach to safeguarding.This week, the UK and Franc