
Church Finance Crisis; Islam Campus Report; Methodism & Racism



Two prominent church leaders, Rev Lucy Winkett and Rev Sam Wells, tell Emily Buchanan about the dire financial situation faced by their iconic London churches due the impact of Covid-19.A new report claims university campuses can be hostile environments for Muslim students, especially those with visible religious identities. Three students share their experiences and one of the report’s authors Professor Alison Scott-Baumann explains what the research discovered about why. The Philanthropy Revolution - Lisa Greer talks to Emily about her new approach to giving and raising money.Sunday continues to examine the issue of racism within the faith world. This week Emily hears from a trainee preacher Anthony Boeteng who raised the issue at the recent Methodist Conference and she asks the new president of the Methodist Conference, Rev Richard Teal what action the church is taking to address it. Producers:Catherine Earlam Amanda Hancox