
Post Office IT dispute, Carers week; Places of worship reopening.



The government will shortly launch an independent review to consider whether Post Office Ltd has learned lessons from the Horizon dispute and court case, and made the changes needed to ensure a similar case cannot happen again. The Church of England also has a part in this story as Paula Vennells, former Post Office Ltd CEO and current Chair of Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust is also a non-stipendiary priest in the diocese of St Albans. There have been a number of complaints to her Bishop about whether she should continue to be a priest, William Crawley asks are these justified? To mark Carer’s Week, we talk to Chris (80) and Cheryl (75) who are facing extra challenges during lock-down as they care for their 47 year old daughter Natasha.Not all faith communities have welcomed the government announcement that places of worship can open on June 15th for private prayer. To explain why, William is joined by Rabbi Nicky Liss from the Highgate Synagogue in north London, Hassan Joudi who is Deputy Secretary G