
VE Day Anniversary; Christian Charity Crisis; Ramadan Online



On VE Day 75 years ago the bells of churches and cathedrals across the country were rung in celebration. Anniversary events will be very different this year as many of them have been cancelled as people adhere to rules that prohibit mass gatherings. Using archive and contemporary recordings from some who were there in May 1945 we remember the moment when the unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany to the Allied forces ended World War II in Europe.The charity Christian Aid has announced that they are projecting an annual loss of £6 million due to a fall in income because of Covid-19. They plan to furlough 20% of their staff and reduce the pay of everyone else. The cuts come as they launch their major annual fundraiser, Christian Aid Week. The charity's CEO Amanda Khozi Mukwashi debates the funding crisis facing charities that focus on international projects with Christine Allen, Director of the Catholic charity CAFOD.The Archbishop of Canterbury led the first virtual assembly for the online school, Oak Nationa