
Chester Mystery Plays go online; Pope Francis on Covid-19; Jewish Chronicle's financial woes



There’s no Passion play on the streets of Chester this year, so the city’s Mystery Plays go online for the first time. In an exclusive interview with the papal biographer and journalist Austin Ivereigh, Pope Francis has given an insight into his life under lockdown amid the Covid-19 pandemic.Also, Cardinal Vincent Nichols, head of the Catholic Church in England and Wales and the BBC's Middle East correspondent Yolande Knell reflect on the impact that coronavirus has had on Easter celebrations here in the UK and across the Holy Land.There are growing concerns about the conditions inside prisons during the coronavirus lockdown with up to 4 thousand low-risk offenders set for temporary release. The Anglican Bishop to Prisons, James Langstaff explains his concerns.And the Jewish Chronicle, one of the longest running Jewish newspapers in the world has announced it has ceased trading with the loss of jobs.Producers: Amanda Hancox Louise Clarke-RowbothamPicture Credit: Neil Kendall