
Vatican "Secret" Archives; Coping with Trauma and Dehli Religious Riots



The Vatican “Secret” archives will be opened on Monday – what new findings might emerge about Pope Pius X11 war time dealings? Historian David Kertzer and Lisa Billig,the American Jewish Committee's representative to the Holy See, talk about what they expect to discover. L'Arche communities around the world support people with developmental disabilities and those who assist them. Last week a community report concluded that it's founder Jean Vanier abused six adult women. Emily Buchanan talks to Professor Irene Tuffrey Wijne, a member of the Community, and Rev Hilary Ison on how churches and communities can be helped to come to terms with trauma. Andrew Selous MP became the Second Church Estates Commissioner last month. Appointed by the Crown, on the advice of the Prime Minister, the Second Church Estates Commissioner’s role is to act as a link between the Church of England and Parliament and to represent church concerns in the House. He discusses his new role and takes issue with a new report by th