
Handel's Brockes Passion; Unparliamentary language; Religious education



On Good Friday, on the 300th anniversary of its premiere, the Academy of Ancient Music realised a long-held ambition to perform a new version of Handel’s mighty Brockes Passion at the Barbican in London. It will be released on CD next week and Alexander Von Ingen, Chief Executive of the Academy explains why this version is so unique.In a week of divisions and tensions in Parliament with some MPs criticising the ‘toxic language of betrayal and treachery,' religious leaders have been appealing to politicians to moderate their language and learn to disagree respectfully. The leader of Roman Catholics in England and Wales Cardinal Vincent Nichols joins us along with Bishop David Urquhart and Rabbi Julia Neuberger who both sit in the House of Lords.The number of schools ‘flouting’ Religious Education laws has risen according to research by the National Association of Teachers of Religious Education. Their report found that half of academies without a religious character and 40 percent of community schools do not m