
Sir Stephen Cleobury; Ampleforth College; Guru Nanak's poetry



Sir Stephen Cleobury – Director of Music at King’s College Cambridge – conducts his final Choral Evensong this Sunday. He talks to Emily about his 37 years at King's.The spotlight is once again on Ampleforth College over safeguarding as the Independent Schools Inspectorate published a Progress Monitoring Report highlighting failures at the school. Head teacher Deirdre Rowe will be leaving after just ten months in post. The Tablet’s Liz Dodd explains why Ampleforth is “in turmoil”.Nazir Afzal, the former CPS prosecutor, talks to Emily about his role as a mediator at the Anderton Park [School] dispute about teaching LGBT rights and what the way forward should be.In this celebratory year of the 550th birthday of Guru Nanak, Dr Jasjit Singh and Mahmood Awan discuss the impact of the Guru's poetry and writings on literature. Producers Amanda Hancox David Cook.Photo Credit Kevin Leighton