
Empire of the Sikhs, Pakistan elections, Consecrated virgins



Poonam Taneja reports on the Empire of the Sikhs exhibition, a rare collection of stunning objects and works of art that reveal the remarkable story of the Sikh Empire and the European and American adventurers who served it. BBC Religious Affairs Editor Martin Bashir looks ahead to this week's review by the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (IICSA) of the case of Peter Ball, the former Bishop of Gloucester, who was imprisoned in 2015 for abusing young men. Following the publication of new Vatican guidelines on what it means to be a consecrated virgin, Edward Stourton speaks to Elizabeth Rees who explains what life is like as a consecrated woman.Secunder Kermani reports on the influence of Sufi mystics on the outcome of the upcoming Pakistan elections. Jasvinder Sanghera tells Edward Stourton why her forced marriage campaign group Karma Nirvana is handing out spoons at a school to help tackle the summer holiday spike in forced marriage cases. Following a debate in the House of Lords of a bill calling