
Sikh Amritsar Files, Church Abuse Report, Theology in the White House



Police are treating the vandalism of a Jewish cemetery in Manchester this week as a hate crime. It follows a spate of other attacks on religious sites across the UK. Dr Chris Allen, Associate Professor in Hate Studies at Leicester University, explains why these attacks are happening now.Armed police officers have arrested at least 20 Jehovah's Witnesses in raids across Russia this week. Anastasia Golubeva explains why Jehovah's Witnesses are seen as an extreme organisation in Russia. Choristers from Hereford cathedral will make a historic trip to the Vatican to become the first Anglican cathedral choir to sing at a Papal Mass for the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul. Harry Farley has been to meet them.A UK judge has ordered the declassification of documents expected to shed light on Britain's involvement in the storming of Sikhism's holiest site in 1984. The Sikh Federation's Davinder Singh and the BBC's Mark Tully talk to William about those events. In the week that President Trump did a U-Turn on the administ