
Rwandan Church Closures, BBC School Reporters, Science versus Religion



As diplomatic relations between the UK and Russia get worse, Reverend Malcolm Rogers the chaplain at St Andrew's Anglican Church in the centre of Moscow, which has long been a community hub for British ex-pats in the Russian capital, speaks to us about his hopes and fears for the future. The Rwandan government has ordered 1500 Churches to be shut for not complying with building regulations and causing noise pollution. The government has also closed some Mosques and banned loudspeakers during the Muslim calls to prayer. Michael Kaloki from the BBC's East Africa Bureau gives an update on what's been happening thereBBC School Reporters interview leading religious figures including the Bishop of Manchester, Rabbi Daniel Walker and Tahiri Shafi and Kay Baig from the organisation Greater Manchester Muslim CommunityAfter a ten year long investigation involving over three hundred doctors, the Roman Catholic Church has recognized the first miraculous cure since 2013 following a pilgrimage to Lourdes. In 2008, a French