
The Archbishop of York, Religious news for 2018, The Daily Service is 90



90 years ago listeners to the BBC were for the first time able to tune in to a live daily act of worship. Rosie Dawson has been looking back over the years and catching up with the current team as they celebrate this milestone.Baroness Onora O'Neill, Emeritus Professor of Philosophy at the University of Cambridge, talks to William about our ethics and values in the twenty first century.On New Year's eve most of us look forward to the new year according to the Gregorian Calendar but some people also follow a Lunar year. Trevor Barnes asks what's it like living life according to two calendars? He made his way one Saturday evening to the home of Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner as she prepared to see out the Sabbath with her family and her friend, the Muslim journalist Remona Aly and talked to them about living with both calendars.American religious journalist Sarah Posner looks back on President Trump's first year on office and his impact on religion in the USA.Journalists Harry Farley & Sughra Ahmed look forwar