
Universal Credit, The Archers, Imagining the Divine



Trevor Barnes visits 'Imagining the Divine,' a new exhibition at the Ashmolean Museum of some of the oldest religious art from India to Ireland.. Archbishop Bernard Ntahoturi is the first person from the African continent to be installed as the new Director of the Anglican Centre in Rome next week. It is a key position in the Anglican Communion and comes as the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches are forging a closer relationship on common issues.Baroness Elizabeth Berridge previews the report from the All-Party Parliamentary Group for International Freedom of Religion or Belief ahead of its launch next week.This week people from the Baha'i faith, will be celebrating the 200th anniversary of their founder's birth. Dr Julia Haviland tells Edward about the faith and the key message of Bahá'u'lláh's life and teaching. The Archers has been bringing us the latest news from the farming community of Ambridge for over 50 years. We will be taking a look at "God in Ambridge" with Revd Dr Jonathan Hustler who has contr