
Gender segregation in faith schools, Mahant Swami Maharaj UK visit, Moral issues of food waste



An Islamic faith school's policy of segregating boys from girls is unlawful sex discrimination, court of appeal judges have ruled. What are the implications? The new global spiritual head of the Swaminarayan Hindu organisation is in the UK this week in the run up to Diwali. Mahant Swami Maharaj's first official visit as leader of the BAPS Swaminarayan sect has been attracting thousands of daily worshippers - Vishva Samani went along to meet them. Senior Anglican Bishops have accused the Church of England's main insurer of "horse-trading" in the way it treats survivors of clergy sex abuse. The Archbishop of Canterbury has asked for a review of the way Lambeth Palace deals with those who have been abused in a church context. Donna Birrell reports.We report from Germany's oldest folk festival that celebrates St Lullus, a monk who travelled from Wiltshire to Germany in the 700s and is credited with spreading Christianity in Europe.A High Court Judge has ruled the Government's policy on torture victims is unlawful