
Nuns fighting fracking; Forced marriage; Food safety post-Brexit



The Bishop of St Albans, the Rt Rev Dr Alan Smith, and Farming Minister George Eustice discuss food safety in the light of the Brexit negotiations.Martin Bashir talks to the Archbishop of Canterbury and his Ugandan counterpart - Stanley Ntagali - about the refugee crisis in Uganda caused by people fleeing from the fighting in South Sudan. The Ugandan Archbishop also explains his opposition to same-sex relationships.An order of American nuns (the Adorers of the Blood of Christ) are in a furious legal battle with a gas transmission company. Transco wants to bury a major new pipeline under what the nuns describe as sacred land. Sister Janet McCann explains to William Crawley why she believes the project is a violation of their religious beliefs.The Rt Rev James Langstaff, Bishop of Rochester and the Church of England's spokesman on criminal justice, comments on the state of British prisons today. Bob Walker reports from West Yorkshire on forced marriage. This summer, the Bradford Council of Mosques is advising A