
A priest with AIDS; The churches and mosques supporting Grenfell; Canterbury's medieval glass



It's 50 years since homosexual acts were partially decriminalised in England and Wales. To mark the anniversary, Rosemary Bailey has rereleased the biography of her brother Simon. He was a gay priest in the Church of England and died from AIDS in 1995.In the aftermath of the Grenfell fire, local churches and mosques rallied to support the community. They continue to help, mediating between residents and the authorities. The Rev Mike Long from Notting Hill Methodist Church and Abdurahman Sayed from al-Manaar Mosque tell Edward how pastoral support will be required for many more months.On Thursday, India elected a new president, Ram Nath Kovind. He's a Dalit, India's lowest and poorest caste. Michael Safi, from The Guardian explains the significance of the appointment.It's turning out to be a 'difficult' period for Pope Francis. Francis replaced the Vatican's top theologian and some say there has been veiled criticism from Pope Emeritus Benedict. Edward asks journalist and author Austen Ivereigh just how much t