
Church abuse review; Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks; Wi-Fi on church spires



In some rural areas, church spires are offering a solution to deliver high speed reliable wireless broadband internet access to local communities. Rosie Dawson reports from the Yorkshire Dales.Rabbi Lord Sacks is participating in the Thatcher Conference on Security on 27 June in London. He talks to Edward about what values he thinks the West should stand for and why he calls the idea of global fragmentation 'cultural climate change'.Jayne Ozanne, a senior Anglican, is calling on the government to recognise spiritual abuse as a separate category from the four that are already recognised. Bob Walker asks what is spiritual abuse and how will recognition as a distinct type of abuse help survivors? Prosecutions in Russia for religious literature and videos deemed 'extremist' rose between 2015 and 2016. Forum 18 News Service have been monitoring this and say that none of the material appears to incite the violation of human rights, violence and hatred. Felix Corley from Forum 18 explains the current situation.The i