
London terror attack, US climate deal exit, Liverpool cathedral golden jubilee



In the aftermath of the London terror attack, Emily Buchanan talks to Very Rev Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark Cathedral and to Haras Rafiq, CEO of Quilliam, a counter-extremist organisation.Following President Trump's announcement that the United States is to pull out of the 2015 Paris climate agreement, Emily Buchanan hears from the journalist Sarah Posner, on the religious reaction in the US; and from the former Bishop of Liverpool James Jones, who spent a decade trying to persuade US evangelicals to take climate change seriously.Dr Ibrar Majid, the lead Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital speaks to the BBC's religious affairs correspondent Martin Bashir about his role in treating the victims of the Manchester attack, and its impact on his Muslim faith. Known locally as Paddy's Wigwam and the Mersey Funnel, Liverpool's Metropolitan Cathedral of Christ the King marks its Golden Jubilee. Bob Walker explores what the anniversary means for Catholics in the city.The Church of E