
Faith and mental health; The 'lost' archbishops; Kirk may allow gay marriages



French voters take part in the first round of the Presidential elections on Sunday. Dr Charles Devellennes from the University of Kent tells Edward Stourton why religion, once a taboo in French politics, has grown in importance in political discourse.Pope Francis arrives in Cairo on Friday. He will meet the Coptic Pope and the Grand Imam of Al-Azhar mosque. Fawaz Gerges, Professor of International Relations at the LSE and Samia Sidhom, of the Coptic newspaper Watani International discuss the significance of the visit for Muslims in Egypt.An influential report by the Church of Scotland's Theological Forum says the Kirk should allow ministers to conduct same-sex marriages. Journalist Rosemary Goring tells Edward about the proposals.The remains of five Archbishops of Canterbury have been found beneath a medieval parish church next to Lambeth Palace. Trevor Barnes investigates why their remains appear to have been mislaid.The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry are leading the Heads Together campaign t