
Life after death survey, Workplace chaplains, Jorvik Viking centre.



After the Jorvick Viking Centre was damaged by floods in December 2015 the attraction used the rebuilding opportunity to tell visitors more about the city's Viking history. As Kevin Bocquet discovers, the exhibition now demonstrates how Christianity and traditional Norse pagan beliefs overlapped in Viking-age York.Exactly two weeks after the terror attack in Westminster, four British Imam's travelled to Rome for a private audience with Pope Francis. Although planned long before Khalid Masood's attack, it was the latest effort at improving interfaith dialogue between the Roman Catholic Church and Islam. The BBC's Religious Affairs Correspondent Martin Bashir travelled with the Imams and reports on how the meeting went.In a week of government trips abroad with Theresa May in Saudi Arabia and Liam Fox in the Philippines, Sunday asks whether post Brexit we will still be able to afford ethical foreign and trade policies? Dr Philip Cunliffe Senior Lecturer in International Conflict at the University of Kent and Pro