
Bishop of Woolwich, Crucifixion row, 500-year-old carol recorded



The Church of England’s first black bishop in more than 20 years says he came to Britain from Nigeria as a missionary to help a “spiritually deficient” country. William Crawley speaks to the Right Rev Dr Woyin Karowei Dorgu, the 13th Bishop of Woolwich.The Catholic Archdiocese of Mexico has condemned as "traitors" any local businesses that help build President Donald Trump's proposed border wall. David Agren is a journalist based in Mexico.Stephen Rasche, from the Chaldean Archdiocese of Erbil tells Edward Stourton that Iraq’s oldest Christian community is at risk of a ‘sudden slide towards extinction’ unless action is taken to safeguard their future. Campaigners from the art world have been lobbying the Roman Catholic Bishop of Salford, urging him to save a rare mosaic by the artist, George Mayer-Marton. It forms part of a church building in Oldham which is scheduled for closure. Kevin Bocquet reports.To help to cover the costs of the elaborate passion play being staged at Manchester Cathedral next weekend,