
Child refugee programme, Faith and mental health, Archbishop of Canterbury



In an unprecedented move, 14 retired Church of England Bishops have released a letter expressing concern about the House of Bishops' report on marriage and same sex relationships. The former Bishop of Worcester Peter Selby, who wrote the letter, speaks to William Crawley.A man who claims he was beaten when he was a boy by John Smyth, the former head of a Christian charity, says his abuser claimed the beatings could be theologically justified. David Hilborn, Chair of the Theology Advisory Group for the Evangelical Alliance and Angela Tilby, Canon Emeritus of Christchurch Cathedral, Oxford join William to discuss' 'violent theology'.Trevor Barnes speaks to the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby about his book 'Dethroning Mammon'.Campaigners have challenged the government's handling of the arrival of unaccompanied child refugees from Europe, at a High Court hearing. The Bishop of Chelmsford who co-sponsored the Dubs amendment responds to this week's events.Alex Strangwayes-Booth reports on a pioneering NHS pr