
Marriage care, Russian cathedral row, Bishop of London



The head of the Order of Malta, Matthew Festing has resigned because of the Pope's intervention. But what does this episode mean for the Knights of Malta and other orders? Christopher Lamb, Rome Correspondent for the Tablet, talks to Edward.The charity Marriage Care has spent the last 70 years embracing and upholding the Catholic vision of marriage as a response to high divorce rates post World War II. So how does it stay relevant today when marriage and relationships are very different. Kevin Bocquet reports.A new project, in St Albans Diocese: 'Take your Vicar to the Lab,' aims to promote healthier appreciation and co-existence between religion and science. Trevor Barnes puts on his white coat as he accompanies a group of clergy into a lab.The decision to return St Issac's Cathedral, in St Petersburg, from a museum back into a church has sparked protests with over 200,000 signing a petition opposing the plans. Oleg Boldyrev tells Edward why people are angry with the announcement.Richard Chartres, stepped do