
Paul Flowers; the debutante nun; interfaith worship



The former Chairman of the Co-op Bank, Paul Flowers, has been removed from the Methodist Church's list of ministers. In an exclusive broadcast interview Mr Flowers talks to Edward about the action taken by the Methodist Church and how he reconciles his actions with his faith.The Church of England's Bishop with responsibility for homelessness James Langstaff explains why some Christian organisations believe that the Government and local authorities need to do more to implement a comprehensive, long-term national strategy to end homelessness in England.She was one of the last debutantes destined to live a life of luxury, but then she had a calling from God. Sister Agatha tells Rosie Dawson about her extraordinary life.A reading from the Qur'an at St Mary's Cathedral in Glasgow has not only embroiled the Cathedral in controversy but sparked a wider debate on whether or not Christian buildings should host inter-faith worship at all. Bob Walker reports. The three-step process to elect a new prelate for Opus Dei wi