
Prison's Week, Sikh Army Regiment, James MacMillan and the Stabat Mater



It's the 40th anniversary Prison's Week, a Christian initiative to support all those affected by prisons. As reoffending rates continue to rise Bob Walker reports on the many faith based groups working in this field and explores their effectiveness.As the death toll continues to rise in Haiti following the devastating impact of Hurricane Matthew. Edward Stourton hears from John Hasse of faith-based charity World Vision who is working on the ground in Haiti.Leading Sikh groups have voiced disappointment after Defence Secretary Michael Fallon ruled out creating a Sikh regiment in the armed forces. Jay Singh-Sohal and Gurdinder Singh debate whether a return to Sikh regiments, once revered for their gallantry in battle, would be step forwards or a step back.Devout Catholic and world renowned composer Sir James MacMillan tells Edward Stourton what inspired him to compose a piece of music based on the Stabat Mater, a 13th century poem about the suffering of Mary as she stands at the food of the Cross.Charles Caroll