
'Earth-walker' Satish Kumar, Sikh weddings row, the 'religion of human rights'



Edward Stourton talks to The Tablet journalist Christopher Lamb about Pope Francis' visit to Assisi 30 years after Pope John Paul II attended the historic meeting for the first World Peace Day; Trevor Barnes looks at the row over mixed-faith weddings in Sikh temples; Jewish students fight the movement for sanctions against Israel; Rahul Tanton tells Edward about the growth of 'cow vigilantes' as the Indian government cracks down on the illicit cattle trade; putting God into London Fashion Week - as the Church of England releases the video "God and Fashion", Edward asks Simon Ward, author of "The Character of Fashion" what God has to do with fashion; Bob Walker walks with Satish Kumar as he sets out on his 50 mile pilgrimage at the age of 80 and are 'human rights' a Christian concept? Nick Spencer and Julian Baggini discuss. Producers; Peter Everett, Dan Tierney Series Producer: Amanda Hancox.