
Mother Teresa's canonisation, British bell ringer shortage, Ben-Hur review



On Sunday, 19 years after her death, Mother Teresa will be canonised at a Mass in St Peter's Square. David Willey is in Rome ahead of the ceremony while Mike Wooldridge returns to Kolkata to report on her legacy. He hears why some people in the Indian city are still critical about her work there.Ahead of a threatened expose in a Sunday newspaper, the Bishop of Grantham says he is gay and in a 30 year relationship. He tells William how he believes the Church should move forward on issues of human sexuality.For the past two years the Church of England has held meetings to allow clergy and laity to talk about their differences on issues around human sexuality. Later this month, at a meeting of the House of Bishops, the church will discuss what to do next. Trevor Barnes hears why some churches are threatening to split and form a 'shadow synod' if the church moves in a 'liberal direction'.In 1959, Ben Hur won 11 Oscars and became a cinema classic so how does the latest remake released this week compare? Film criti