
Jordan refugee camp, John Sentamu's pilgrimage, Sermon of the year competition



Pope Francis has said that he is open to the possibility of ordaining women as deacons. Are the ranks of the Catholic Church's all-male clergy really going to open up to female members?Next week, two ministers battle it out in the annual Sermon of the Year Competition. They talk to Edward Stourton about their ministry and go head to head in Sunday's very own battle of the sermons.Hazel Southam reports from Jordan on a trauma healing programme that is being offered to tens of thousands of people who have fled the wars in Syria and Iraq.On Thursday, Scottish composer Sir James MacMillan is giving a speech to the Saltire Society in Glasgow in which he will argue that 20th and 21st century composers have never given up their search for the sacred in an increasingly secular society. He explains to Edward his reasons for this belief.Last February, Charles Maung Bo became Myanmar's first-ever cardinal. For many years he has spoken out against the persecution of religious minorities in his country and now that there