
Is sushi permitted at Passover? Prince the Jehovah's Witness, The row over religious education in the UK



For 1000 years, Ashkenazi Jews have been forbidden to eat foods classed as 'Kitniyot' (e.g. rice, corn, beans, legumes) during Passover. But now authorities in the US have lifted this ban which means that Ashkenazi Jews can eat a variety of foodstuffs from Sushi to Popcorn. Charles Carroll reports.This week, the Foreign Office issued advice for LGBT people travelling to the US because of new 'religious freedom' laws allowing individuals and institutions to deny services to LGBT customers on religious grounds. Concerns have been raised about the All Party Parliamentary Group on RE which has removed the promotion of non religious world views from its remit. Kevin Bocquet investigates.For a number of years, he was referred to as 'The artist formerly known as Prince' but did you know that he was also formerly known as a Jehovah's Witness? Not many people in the UK were aware that pop superstar Prince - who died this week - was a member of this church or that his music reflected his Christian faith.The Vatican has