
Shakespeare's religion, Pope in Lesbos, What do Muslims really think?



Presenter William Crawley hears reaction to Pope Francis' visit to Lesbos, and explores the significance of the joint approach to the migrant crisis by the Catholic and Orthodox churches.Ahead of the 400th anniversary of William Shakespeare's death, Trevor Barnes reports on the religion of Shakespeare's England, and the influence of the Bible on his language.This week's Channel 4 documentary "What British Muslims really think", has been heavily criticised by members of Muslim communities for putting across what they see as a skewed picture of Islam in Britain. The programme's executive producer Samir Shah and author and activist Shelina Janmohamed discuss.Liz Leonard examines the current religious landscape of Scotland, in light of the recent Scottish Social Attitudes survey which suggests that most people in Scotland are 'not religious'.What is it like to live in Britain as a member of the persecuted Ahmadi Muslim sect? Author Adil Khan profiles the history and beliefs of Ahmadis following the discovery of l