
VJ Day, Avebury pilgrims, 'Lazy' atheists



Services are being held this weekend to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of VJ Day. William Crawley speaks to Alan Wills whose father, George, was captured by the Japanese in 1942 and endured three years of brutal treatment as a prisoner of war.Jeremy Timm, a Reader in the Church of England, will have his preaching licence revoked by the Archbishop of York after choosing to marry his same-sex partner next month. Kevin Bocquet spoke to him about his decision, and Bishop Robert Paterson, Chair of the Central Readers' Council, addresses the Church's management of the issue.Scottish Catholic Journalist Ian Dunn explains the significance of the McLellan Commission which will publish its report into the child protection policies of the Catholic Church in Scotland next week.The only victim of child sex abuse among the Chabad movement of ultra-orthodox Jews to give evidence, as part of Australia's Royal Commission, is now trying to set up an international inquiry into the extent of the problem in his faith, as Matt W