Yusuf Circle Sheffield

S05 - Hadrat Zayd Ibn Thaabit (ra) - Zayd (ra), The Prodigy



Hadrat Zayd ibn Thaabit (ra), Session 5. The Scribe of The Quran Zayd (ra), The Prodigy By the time The Messenger ﷺ migrated to Al Medina, Zayd (ra) was 11 years old and had memorised 17 Surahs from the Quran and took it upon himself to recite to The Messenger ﷺ who was delighted (Siyar). Whoever learns the Quran in his youth then Allah SWT will make it permeate into his flesh & blood (Bukhari). Zayd (ra) was told to learn Hebrew and learnt the language in 15 days, he had mastered it. Zayd (ra) also learnt the Persian language in 18 days and the Ethiopian language (Al Bidaya). Zayd (ra) learnt Syriac in 17 days and mastered it (Ahmad). Zayd (ra) recorded the Divine Revelation and also wrote to kings for he was well acquainted with Pharisee, Latin & Ethiopian (Tajaarib Al Umam). Place the Pen on your ear, indeed it helps keep the memory of the dictator sharp (Tirmidhi).