Short Cuts




From pirate radio to queering futures, Josie Long presents short documentaries and audio adventures exploring fugitive acts of resistance.Radio Free Dixie by Weyland McKenzie-Witter Produced by Weyland McKenzie-Witter Featuring Teishan Latner (Assistant professor of history at Thomas Jefferson University and author of Cuban Revolution in America: Havana and the Making of a United States Left, 1968-1992 (UNC Press, 2018). Claude Marks is the co-director of the Freedom Archive in Berkeley California 2023 A2 History class from BSix College in HackneyWHITE NOISE Produced by Axel KacoutiéA Symphony of Quiet Produced by Tej Adeleye Featuring Professor Kevin Quashie, Mabel, Bridget, Flo and Idris from Out & Proud African LGBTI (OPAL) and PetalsCurated by Axel Kacoutié, Eleanor McDowall and Andrea Rangecroft Produced by Axel Kacoutié Executive Producer: Alan Hall A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4