Short Cuts




Josie Long presents audio adventures and short documentaries dedicated to our love for those around us - an invocation for creating new life, finding meaning in being stood up and decades spent hearing about, and helping, Britain's LGBTQ+ life.Alone Produced by Noam OsbandThank you for being here Featuring Switchboard volunteers past and present Produced by Tash Walker and Adam Zmith Originally from The Log Books podcast, produced by Tash, Adam and Shivani DaveAn Invocation for All Fertility Treatments Accessing the Powers of the Universe: An Invocation for All Fertility Treatments is written and performed by Erica Gillingham Co-produced by Erica Gillingham and Andrea RangecroftProducer: Andrea Rangecroft Curated by Axel Kacoutié, Eleanor McDowall and Andrea Rangecroft A Falling Tree production for BBC Radio 4