Brokedown Podcast/osiris Media

Getting Heavy with Jeffrey Alexander



Greetings, Dead Freaks!Back again with Jeffrey Alexander to talk about all the recent and upcoming Heavy Lidders activity along with my recap from Deep In The Valley fest. There's also a killer mix of tunes waiting for you after the interview so dig on in and enjoy!You can keep track of all things Jeffrey Alexander at his aptly named website (remember websites?) His bandcamp page is here. And while you’re over there, be sure to follow Centripedal Force where you will be able to get the Spacious Minds LPs and Arrowhawk Records who still has some of the Spacious Minds tapes. And definitely do not forget to check out the Planet Lidder’s tape from Worried Songs.Another hearty thanks goes out to Raven Sings The Blues for a wonderful weekend. Deep In The Valley is an expertly curated fest and, coupled with the good fortune of perfect weather, one could not ask for a better event. Be sure to head over to Raven Sings The Blues for insightful coverage of excellent music and follow the soc