Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - August 27, 2024 - Can Non-Catholics be Saved?



(3:26) Bible Study: 2 THES 2:1-3A, 14-17 Father talks about the end of the world! MT 23:23-26 Father talks about hypocrites, hopefully he isn’t talking about you. (18:57) Break 1 (19:51) Letters: Father explains the difference between LORD and Lord in the bible, readings appropriate for a celebration of life and what the Church teaches on non-Catholics going to heaven (32:49) Break 2 (33:31) Word of the Day: par-oo-see-uh (39:52) Phones: Stan - what bible and study guide would you recommend? Jason - Can you explain more about that passage from psalms that you were just talking about? Gloria – Did they use the word Christian in the bible?