
Shabana Mahmood



Shabana Mahmood is the new Lord Chancellor and Secretary of State for Justice. Born in Birmingham in a Kashmiri Pakistani family, she has three siblings, one of whom is her twin. From an early age her father ensured that the children were aware of the world around them, and made them each read five minutes from the Times newspaper every evening. Inspired by the 1990's TV series, 'Kavanagh QC' to become a lawyer, Shabana Mahmood attended Lincoln College, Oxford University, a year below a certain Rishi Sunak. After a few years working in law, she changed career and moved into politics, in 2010 winning the seat of Birmingham Ladywood for Labour, which she has held to date. Stephen Smith talks to those who know her. Presenter: Stephen Smith Producers: Diane Richardson and Julie Ball Editor: Penny Murphy Production Co-ordinators: Maria Ogundele and Rosie Strawbridge Sound mix: Hal HainesCONTRIBUTORS William Audland KC, 12 Kings' Bench Walk Chambers David Gauke, former Lord Chancellor and Secretary of Stat