
Alexis Tsipras



Greece's far left-wing bloc, Syriza, made dramatic gains in last weekend's election to become the country's second largest party. The vote has split the country politically and the party's charismatic young leader Alexis Tsipras is credited with its success based on a populist anti-austerity message. After three failed attempts to form a government the country now faces another election - and the far left coalition could well make further gains.Tsipras has been described as a cool, mild-mannered politician who shuns neckties and likes to get around on his motorcycle. Born four days after the fall of Greece's military dictatorship in July 1974, his first political experiences were as part of Greece's school occupations in 1991. Mr Tsipras became leader of Syriza in 2008 and was elected to parliament in 2009. He first emerged on the political scene when he came third in the Athens mayoral race. The former communist youth activist has been accused by some of inciting violent protests and failing to condemn their