Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Align Your Vision and Build a Business That Supports Your Life and Soul Clients, Kami Guildner, Episode 358



Vision is the key to aligning your personal and business goals in a way that brings fulfillment and harmony. We’re moving beyond traditional success metrics and embracing a more intentional way of living and working. It's about simplifying our approach, creating space for what matters, and designing businesses that enrich our lives while serving others. By crafting a vision that supports both your life and business, you can achieve more than just financial success—you can create a life filled with purpose, joy, and the freedom to live authentically.   In This Episode: Learn how to create a vision that lays the foundation for a life and business that are deeply intertwined and mutually supportive. Discover strategies to build meaningful relationships with clients who resonate with your authentic purpose and mission. Explore how to design a business model that aligns with your ideal lifestyle, allowing you to achieve personal and professional fulfillment. Gain insights into selecting a business mo