The Brendon Show

Best Of: Push Through the Fear



  “If you’re stuck because of your fears, you need to give yourself permission to push into it, and to deal with it.” Is fear in control of your life? Consider this:  "Don’t avoid the fear. Don’t avoid the anxiety. Don’t avoid the trouble. They’re always going to be there. The question is, are they driving your car? The question, are they in control? The question is, are they at the wheel, or are you at the wheel? Are they captain of your ship, or are you the captain? Are you playing victim, or are you playing victor into these things? That’s the question.” This is a MUST LISTEN episode about the importance of facing your fears head-on in order to fully live the life you envision for yourself. Share your story with us so that we can cheer you on! Use #hpxlife for a chance to win signed books, swag, trips and more!  Additional Resources: Get your High Performance Planner for this New Year (before we sell out!) For more training on high performance, at a deeper and mor