Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

Are you delegating enough? 5 tasks to pass on to free up your time



Hello there, my fabulous listener! In this episode, I'm excited to delve into the magical realm of delegation and outsourcing for enhancing business productivity. Now, who wouldn't want more time on their hands? This episode is all about shedding some light on five tasks that you can delegate immediately to boost your productivity and free up precious time. I'm going to share how delegating isn't about just tossing tasks at someone else, but about placing faith in others, allowing them to bring their unique approach to tasks, and how vital a feedback loop is. Oh, and don't worry if you're feeling a bit overwhelmed - persistence is key! This episode is packed with tips to revolutionise your time and productivity. So grab your notepad, and join me on this enlightening journey. Cheers to smarter business operations and a more balanced life! Until next time, take care!