Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

The Salon Revolution: How to Pay More AND Stay Profitable



Hey there, my fellow salon warriors! This week, we're diving deep into the sea of salon business finances and believe me, it's a thrilling adventure! We're talking about the tough, almost nail-biting, month of August and how we can maneuver our way to pay our team more without compromising profitability. Sounds like a mission impossible, right? But don't fret, I promise you it's doable. But hold on, it's not all about the moolah! We're also exploring how to motivate our team beyond just the pay-check. We're delving into those potentially awkward money conversations with your team and how to handle them with grace. Oh, and did I mention, we're challenging some old norms and shaking up the salon business model? Intrigued? You should be! If you've ever been puzzled about salon finances or if the word 'profit' seems like a distant dream, this episode is your survival guide! Plug in your earphones, grab your favourite drink, and let's embark on this revolutionary journey together. I promise you, by the end of it,