Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

When is it time to recruit?



Today, I want to help you decide: When is the right time to grow your salon team? When is the right time to recruit? This all boils down to your goal-setting. If you don't have clear goals on what you want your salon to achieve this year or in the next 5 years, that is the first place to start. Your goals ultimately dictate the size of the team that you need. Maybe you have a certain level of turnover that you want to achieve. Or maybe you want to step back from the salon floor. This will tell you how many team members you're going to need this year or next. Start with the turnover target. Once you know the average bill and your frequency of visit you can start to break that turnover target down. It’ll show you the number of people you physically need on the premises earning money for you. That gives us the overall target of what we want your team to look like. Those goals are going be influenced by what it is you really want. Your bigger goals have to come first on this. Your 5 year plan and your life ambiti