Build Your Salon With Phil Jackson

30. Boost your team's performance with one-to-ones



Welcome, and today we’re talking about one to ones. So these are the individual meetings that you’re going to be having with every member of your team to help them hit the targets that you need to, so that you can achieve Salon success. Today I’ve got five tips for you on running one to ones: 1. These are called one to ones and not meetings so call them one to ones, keep the meetings for the capability and disciplinary process. 2. Frequency and format of the meeting - How often you meet with a member of the team would depend on where they’re at in their career and also their performance against their targets. 3. Feedback - The beginning of each meeting you should be feeding back the performance of the team member over the last period. Summarise what it is that you’re expecting from them, but make sure you end on a high. 4. Targets - I expect a member of the team to set themselves an easy target, those targets need to feed through and add up to what you need the Salon to achieve to hit your goals. 5. Keeping r