Perpetual Chess Podcast

EP 390- Russ Makofsky: How Chess Can Change Lives from NYC to Africa



This week’s guest is Russ Makofsky. Russ is the founder of both The Gift of Chess, and of Impact Coaching Network. The Gift of Chess is a global non-profit dedicated to changing lives by distributing free chess sets in overlooked communities. Impact Coaching Network is a New York City-based educational chess organization that facilitates school programs and runs tournaments. In our interview, Russ recounts his journey from a sport-obsessed kid to a chess educator and shares the stories of many people whose lives have been changed by chess, including FM Tani Adewumi, and Tunde Onakoya of Chess in Slums. Russ is a firm believer in the power that good stories can have in spreading a passion for chess, and of the impact that chess can have on lives once that passion is ignited. Tune in to hear many of these inspiring stories!  Thanks to our sponsors in addition to Solveig’s course, be sure to check out GM Sam Shankland’s latest, and if you sign up for Chessable Pro, please use the link below. http