Perpetual Chess Podcast

Book Recap #12 : Talking Improve Your Chess Now, with FM Alex Chua



Welcome back to another edition of Perpetual Chess, Chess Books Recaptured, a monthly bonus book recap podcast. This week, I am joined by FM Alex Chua, a 32 year old Texas based dad, who works for a green chemical manufacturing startup called Solugen. Alex wanted to discuss the underrated gem, Improve Your Chess Now by GM Jonathan Tisdall, which he and I both love. We think it provides a great blend of instructive games, practical advice, philosophizing, and humor. It presents fairly challenging material, which is probably best suited to intermediate to advanced players, but anyone can pick up at least a few things from this book, as we hope they can from this podcast. Please read on for more details and timestamps.  0:00- FM Alex Chua and I begin by discussing why we love this book and wanted to talk about it.    12:45- For what rating level is this book most appropriate? Alex thinks 1400-2000, I think 1800-2300.    17:30- As always, Perpetual Chess is brought to you in part by Two gr